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Health & Safety

Health and Wellness

We are committed to the health and wellness of our entire school community. Supported by our Health Center nurses, a team of counselors, and athletic coaches and trainers, Bryn Mawr helps students understand their own emotional and physical wellness, what they need to thrive, and how to make educated and healthy choices. Parents/Guardians and families are our partners in this work.
Keeping our Community Healthy
Families and Students are expected to help in reducing and preventing the spread of all communicable diseases at home and while on campus by complying with the guidance listed in Health and Safety Protocols in order to protect themselves, fellow students and employees of the School. The School may, in its sole discretion, issue additional guidance to address specific circumstances or for other reasons. 
Students should stay home (or will be sent home) and parents should notify the Health Center at 410-323-8800 ext 1242 or nurse@brynmawrschool.org for any of the following reasons:
  • A fever greater than 100.0 F. Students must be fever-free for 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing medicine before they return to school. 
  • Vomiting and diarrhea: Students must be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school;
  • Untreated head lice; students may return after 1 treatment, as long as no live bugs are present.
  • Strep throat: Students must remain home until two doses of antibiotics have been administered
  • Pink eye/conjunctivitis: Students who are unable to refrain from rubbing their eyes must remain home for 24 hours after starting eye drops or until symptoms clear, no discharge is present and the eye is not irritated
  • If an adult or student on campus presents symptoms of COVID-19 or tests positive, we will adhere to the most recent guidelines set forth by the Maryland State Department of Education, the Maryland Department of Health and the CDC.
    • If an individual has a fever and/or is symptomatic, please stay home and away from others. 
      • Current guidelines (CDC, March 2024) recommend staying home until the individual has been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications AND symptoms have improved.
    • For five days after returning to school, consider additional prevention strategies such as masking to protect yourself and others.
  • Your child develops another communicable disease. These include chicken pox, monkeypox, measles, influenza, meningitis, hepatitis, tuberculosis, pertussis, MRSA, mononucleosis, scabies, conjunctivitis, ringworm and impetigo. Treatment and return to school guidelines are outlined under Communicable Diseases Summary (COMAR 10.06.01). Since many communicable diseases have symptoms that overlap with COVID-19, staying home when ill will help keep members of the school community healthy.
  • Your child has a serious illness or injury incurring an absence of more than three days. A doctor’s note is required for returning to school and participating in athletics, PE, or dance as well as implementing any academic, medical or physical accommodations that might be needed.

Medicine at school

Students may not carry medicine at school with the exception of emergency medications such as asthma inhalers, EpiPens, insulin, glucagon and Benadryl.
All other prescription medications required to be administered during the school day will be kept in the Health Center, in a pharmacy-labeled container. Prescription medication must be accompanied by the appropriate medication administration consent form. Please contact the Health Center directly for more information.

Medical Forms

Bryn Mawr partners with the online health management system Magnus Health to securely collect and store student medical information. Parents and guardians are responsible for uploading annual physical forms and immunization records and completing all consents and other forms in Magnus Health. All forms and consents, except physicals are due July 1. Physicals are due 13 months from the date of the last exam.

Emergency Communication

In the event of an on-campus emergency or weather-related closing, Bryn Mawr partners with Ruvna, a campus alert system designed to quickly and efficiently reach out to parents, employees and community members. Alerts are sent via text and email using the wireless number and email address listed in Bryn Mawr's Parent Portal. All parents and guardians should confirm that their contact information is accurate.
The school uses campus-wide bells and alarms, broadcast phone messages, web alerts, and Ruvna to notify school personnel and students of an emergency. School marshals communicate the protocol to be followed on our campus and, when necessary, campus security is in communication with our coordinate schools, Gilman School and Roland Park Country School, by two-way radio, email, and cell phone.

List of 1 items.

  • Asbestos Management Plan

    In 1986 Congress enacted the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). This law contained comprehensive regulations developed to address asbestos problems in schools. In compliance with these regulations, Bryn Mawr's campus was inspected in 1987 to determine the location and condition of asbestos. As a further part of the regulations, a plan was developed to manage the asbestos. This includes semi-annual inspections by our staff, as well as inspections by certified inspectors once every three years. The school's Management Plan, which is required to be maintained by law, is updated on an annual basis.

    The whole plan is available for inspection in the Business Office on regular work days from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Assistant Head of School for Finance and Administration and/or the Director of Operations are also available to answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to call either one at (410) 323-8800.

Important Contacts

Director of Security Jeff Coleman
410-323-8800, ext. 1616

Campus Security
410-323-8800 x1567 (Security Office)
443-744-7424 (Security Supervisor)
443-552-8896 (Guard on duty)

Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Health Center
Barbara Scott, RN
Amy Robinson, RN
410-323-8800, ext. 1242
Monday-Friday, 7:45 a.m - 4:00 p.m.

General Campus Safety

  • The school grounds are patrolled and monitored seven days a week, 24 hours a day, by several full-time school security personnel and a professional security company.

  • All school employees are required to wear identification and visitors to Bryn Mawr must display a visitor's badge.

  • The school's full-time athletic trainer works with our student athletes and adults on campus to help reduce and prevent injuries and maintain health and wellness.

  • The school has after-hours emergency protocols in place, and school personnel are specifically trained to handle emergencies that may occur during off-school hours. 

  • After-school programs are supervised and staffed until every student is picked up.

  • All school buildings are locked on a regular schedule in the evening; both the Little and Lower Schools are locked and on a buzzer system during the day.

  • Emergency drill procedures are posted in each school building and classroom. All personnel and students participate in emergency drills throughout the year, which include fire drills, lockdown drills, and weather drills.

  • Information about campus safety and security is shared on a regular basis with the tri-school community as well as with area neighborhood associations.