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Athletic Policies

Practice Times and Team Transportation

Middle School

Interscholastic sports in the Middle School foster teamwork, responsibility and school spirit while also introducing the demands of training and competition. We encourage students to participate in as many sports as possible during this time of growth and development. All 7th and 8th graders are required to join at least two teams per year. Most athletes are able to participate in the sport they choose, with the exception of sports that have roster limitations. However, we always provide at least one sport option in every season where participation is guaranteed.

Middle School teams meet Tuesdays-Fridays from 2:40 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Teams practice and play on campus unless otherwise noted. Games take place after school hours and, on average, teams have 8-10 competitions per season.  It is expected that athletes will attend all practices and games during the season. Exceptions are the badminton and track teams, which do not compete after school, and Dance Company, which holds its performance at the end of the fall season.

For Middle School, transportation is provided to all practices and competitions. In squash, the team practices and plays off-campus at Roland Park Racquet Club; therefore, the team size is limited to the capacity of a mini bus (14). 

Upper School

Most Upper School teams practice from 3:45 - 5:45 p.m. on weekdays, with the exceptions of ice hockey and swimming, which practice 5:45am-7am. For all sports, occasional weekend invitational or holiday practices may also be scheduled by coaches.

Transportation is provided for all practices and competitions that take place during the week. Transportation is not provided for practices that take place before the school day begins, late in the evening, or on weekends.  

For more information on those transportation guidelines and practice specifics for those sports that practice off-campus, please select a sport from the dropdown menu below.
    • Lacrosse Athlete Photo
    • Two Tennis Players Photo

List of 5 items.

  • Ice Hockey

    Ice Hockey

    Practices start at 5:45 a.m. at the Mt. Pleasant Ice Skating Rink (located off Northern Parkway). Typically, ice hockey practices in the morning five days a week. Home games take place at Mt. Pleasant Ice Skating Rink as well.

    Parents are responsible for transporting their daughters to and from morning practices. Transportation is provided to and from games that take place after school during the week.
  • Soccer

    Practices and games for soccer take place at the Coppermine Norris Field from 3:45 - 5:45 p.m. Transportation is provided to and from all games and practices during the week.
  • Softball


    Practices and games for softball take place at the Coppermine Norris field from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Transportation is provided to and from all games and practices during the week.
  • Squash


    The Upper School squash teams (both varsity and JV) practice at the Coppermine Racquet and Fitness Club from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. on weekdays. Transportation is provided from Bryn Mawr and back to school.
  • Swimming


    The swim team practices at 5:45 a.m. at Gilman.

    Parents are responsible for transporting their daughters to and from morning practices. Transportation is provided to and from meets that take place after school during the week.

Student Driving Guidelines

In order for an Upper Student to drive, the Driving Permission Form must be completed and returned to Coach Wolf and Mrs. Veprek.

In order for an Upper Student to be a passenger with another student, the Driving Permission Form must be completed and returned to Ms. Veprek.

At NO time will a student be left at an away site to wait for a ride. Coaches will bring the student back on the bus if her ride is not present at the game's end.

Physical Activity After COVID

Based on guidance from The Center for Disease Control and The American Academy of Pediatrics, Bryn Mawr requires all grade 7-12 students with a confirmed case of COVID-19 to be cleared by a physician before returning to Middle School Squads or Upper School athletics. In the case of a positive COVID test, students must submit this form before resuming athletic participation.

Addressing a Concern

Bryn Mawr encourages students to advocate for themselves and address any issues with the appropriate individual, whether that is a teacher, advisor, coach or teammate. When dealing with an athletic issue, athletes should talk with the coach directly, especially regarding concerns about playing time. If the issue cannot be resolved, or if it pertains to the health and well-being of a student, a meeting can be set-up with with the coach, parent, AD and student athlete.


If an athlete decides to quit a team once teams have been made, they must have a face-to-face conversation with the head coach or Coach Veprek.

Alcohol Use Policy

A Bryn Mawr student-athlete represents her team, the Athletic Department, and The Bryn Mawr School. A student-athlete's behavior at any time should not reflect negatively on herself or her school.

If at any time there is evidence that a Bryn Mawr student-athlete is using and/or dispensing illegal drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, or abusing prescription drugs, she will face appropriate consequences as determined by the athletic director and the coach. The violation will be reported to the appropriate division director, Dean of Students, and the Headmistress.


Hazing and harassment are not tolerated and are not a part of team's culture at Bryn Mawr.  Any student who experiences or observes hazing or harassment should report the behavior to her coach or the Athletic Director immediately.

Athletic Trainer

A certified athletic trainer is on campus to provide care for students. The trainer is available on school days beginning at 11:30 a.m. until the completion of daily athletic competition. Please schedule an appointment for treatment.


Athletes have the privilege of wearing team uniforms on game days, assuming that they are taking care of them. Students who choose to wear team uniforms on game days must be in complete uniform or they will receive detention. Optional team apparel is not part of the school or team uniform. Athletic footwear should be worn with uniforms.

All Upper School athletes are required to purchase an athletics warm-up. This warm-up is the same for all US sports and can be worn as part of the sports uniform on game days. No other warm-up is permitted to be worn for travel for games or competitions. The warm-up is not a part of the school uniform and is considered out-of-uniform unless the student athlete has a game on that day and it is worn after advisory/convocation. Families needing financial assistance to purchase the warm-up can contact Ms. Veprek.

Ms. Souris will notify students of their team's uniform distribution and collection dates. If a player is not present for the distribution, she must contact Ms. Souris to schedule a time to pick up her uniform.

Collection days for uniforms are based on a one day return policy.  If a player does not return the uniform on the assigned day, she will receive detention unless she is absent from school. A player is responsible for any lost or damaged uniform and will be charged accordingly.

For hygienic reasons, students are responsible for purchasing part or all of their uniform for certain sports such as volleyball, track and swimming. Most game uniforms are provided by the school, but additional equipment (racquets, sticks, footwear, etc.) is the responsibility of the athlete. Students who need assistance with team equipment should speak to Ms. Steck.

Team Clothing Orders

Additional athletic spirit wear can be purchased on the athletics website. Spirit wear is not required and is not a part of the school uniform or sports uniform. Teams may not place orders outside of the website for team gear. If a family desires to donate spirit gear or wear to the entire team, they must contact Ms. Veprek for guidelines and approval.