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Bryn Mawr’s distinctive fifth grade LEAP program empowers tweens to strengthen life and leadership skills, become positive collaborators and self-advocates, and establish strong foundations for joy, confidence and academic success.
At Bryn Mawr, we want students to savor childhood joys while nurturing their desire to lead, explore and impact the world. Our unique campus with dedicated fifth grade spaces “up the hill” allows girls to experience growing independence as leaders of the Lower School while establishing relationships and experiences with Middle School students and faculty.

This signature fifth grade program focuses on the following themes:

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Bryn Mawr's fifth-grade year abounds with leadership opportunities as students culminate their Lower School experience. As the leaders of the Lower School, girls serve as role models and mentors to the younger students. Through a fall retreat and intentional activities throughout the year, fifth graders learn and model the values, responsibilities, and characteristics of being effective leaders in their own lives.


Students engage with their peers and communities through creative interdisciplinary projects, service learning activities, outdoor programming and connections with Upper School Peer Educators and Middle School "buddies." While honing communication and problem-solving skills, students become increasingly self-aware, learn to advocate for what they believe, and represent themselves and Bryn Mawr confidently

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Academic Preparation

We foster critical thinking, self-advocacy and strong study skills this year as a foundation for the future. Girls also take on increased collaborative work, presentations, and longer-range assignments. Fifth graders enjoy a new sense of independence as they manage a personal laptop, travel across campus for classes, and develop healthy technology habits. They leave fifth grade ready for Middle School with their strong voices and values.

The Lower School

5th Graders Love:

  • Our fall on-campus leadership retreat
  • Voice&: Tween-focused leadership and wellness programming
  • Running Lower School morning carpool
  • Technology and digital citizenship education
  • Week at Echo Hill Outdoor School
  • 5th-7th Grade “buddies” 
  • Newbery Luncheon with award-winning author
  • Serving as Admissions Ambassadors
  • 5th Grade Capstone Play
  • Cultural Sharing

Learn more:

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Kathie Wachs

    Kathie Wachs 90

    Assistant Director of Admission
"LEAP concretizes that special position fifth graders enjoy, toggling between a world of play and a world of growing responsibility. I see my daughter becoming more self-reliant and curious; at the same time, her class is becoming more and more cohesive."
— 5th Grade Parent